Our customers really are the best measure of what jewellery we should make and this is definitely the case with our new Celtic Torc bracelet. We've been getting emails and enquiries about our silver Celtic torc pendant wondering are there any other products in the range and asking for custom pieces to be made. Some were from customers who had previously bought this pendant and were looking to add to the piece with a bracelet or earrings. While others were new customers who liked the Celic torc design.
We received another one of these emails last week which was the kick I need to do something about it and sort it out! So off I went to the workshop to get making! I decided on a bracelet as this was something that kept coming up in my correspondence with customers. So by popular demand I give you our new Celtic Torc bracelet.

I'm really happy with how it turned out and it was a lovely piece to work on especially knowing it was inspired by customer feedback. So take a bow Claddagh Design customers, you're the reason this bracelet has been created!

Don't keep your good ideas to yourself, if you think we could be doing something better or are missing a key piece in our range of jewellery be sure to contact us. We'd love to hear what you think.