A few weeks ago I wrote about my plans for the summer and how we were going to take some trips around Ireland exploring all the famous sites we have never had the opportunity to visit. We asked you for recommendations and thanks to our well travelled readers we got lots of suggestions on where we should go and what we should do. So following your advice we're off on our first trip this weekend!

For the first adventure we decided to go to one of Ireland's most famous landmarks and a place that has provided me with plenty of inspiration over the years, Newgrange, Co. Meath. This is a prehistoric monument which dates back to 3200BC, that makes it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids!! It was excavated in the 1960's and is considered to be one of the most important megalithic structures in Europe. It is made up of a large circular mound inside which are stone passageways and chambers. There is a wall which runs around the front which is ringed with heavily decorated stones. These elaborate carvings have inspired pieces like our Silver Triskel Pendant.

Newgrange is probably most famous for the magical display that can be seen inside the chamber every year at winter solstice. On the shortest day of the year a small audience, who are selected by a lottery system, gather inside the inner chamber of Newgrange to witness the sight of the sun rising. As it rises a thin shaft of light comes through the small opening at the perfect angle and so illuminates the inner chamber. It is truly a feat of engineering that gives a direct connection from 3200BC to the present day.

While I won't get to experience Newgrange on this special day I can't wait to see all the carvings that have inspired me. I'm also looking forward to learning lots more about Newgrange and what it was originally used for. I've got my camera batteries charged and my my walk shoes ready so hopefully I'll come back next week with lots of photos and stories to share!